This is why I not find a way why devs can't open this cute aliens game port to have coop and online friends to play together at the same mission.Īn ability for who only want solo yolo singleplayer. Originally posted by weregobbie:Why wouldn't there be? Xcom has had them, as well as a lot of other games as well? Thanks for defending my statement, I just came from different game that was looks like xcom, that have both singleplayer withslow motion instead of pause and fully 8 marines online multiplayer coop. Yes, it could be done, I suppose you could have each player commanding a seperate squad, but to get it work not only would require extensive design changes (ever tried doing slo-motion in multiplayer? good luck with that) and I can only guess they don't have the manpower to create two games instead of one (at least for the release, I suppose coop may arrive some time after). You control the entire squad as a single unit with commands automaticaly issued to the marine with correct tools, it's more like a tactical take on Baldur's Gate than anything which can easily be converted into coop.

It can but if you check the previews and how the mechanics work what you're suggesting is basicaly a different game than the one the devs make. That is one marine per player, and you choose the class and weapons of each. It can theoretically be made to have a co-op of up to four players, each with a squad of two marines, with flexibility beyond just the normal campaign of five guys starting out. What does that have to do with what the guy said? If you lose all but one marine, is it NOT a single marine in the game? Why is this such a controversial discussion when it shouldn't be.

This is a real time strategy/tactics game, not a shooter.